$wpsc_version = 169; Weight Loss Programs - How It Works | WeightWonder™

How It Works?

Just follow an easy diet with weightwonder herbal drops and that’s it

No crash diets

No rigorous workout or exercises

No physical therapies like hyperthermia

No need to visit daily, doable at home

No need to take out extra time for this

How to start WeightWonder program?

Step #1

Body Composition Analysis & Defining Target

We do your BCA (body composition analysis) and also analyse all your existing clinical issues before going ahead for the programme. Accordingly your goals are set and your progress is monitored & mentored by our experts on a daily basis.

Step #2

Quantitative & Scientific diet with our magical diet drops

You follow a quantitative diet plan according to your bodily requirements while taking WW drops during the programme. Since WW drops take care of your major calorie needs by utilising your abnormal fat reservoir. The quantitative diet plan supplements other nutritional requirements like proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibres so that you tend to loose weight in a healthy way without any deficiency.

Step #3

weightwonder drops metabolise your abnormal fat tissues into glucose

WW drops, metabolise your stored abnormal fat (unwanted fat reservoir) into glucose ( fuel to run body) and persistently pass into blood stream for your daily energy expenditures.

Step #4

Now you start losing weight. Daily.

Once you start taking these drops and taking quantitative diet as advised, you tend to loose upto 300-700 gm/day depending upon your physiology.

Step #5

Through weightwonder programs you can lose upto 19 kgs and more

We make sure you tend to reach your goal and beyond by daily support and mentorship. You achieve your goal without any hassle or much of your efforts.

Step #6

Post weight loss stablisation/maintenance

In order to make it a sustainable weight loss programme,  we provide stabilisation support (4 weeks) post weight loss in order to stabilise onto your lost weight. Once your weight gets stable then you are all ready to switch back to your conventional or usual diet which varies with individual to individual and region to region. 

Final Step

Now enjoy your healthy life with delicious foods.

We also provide mentorship after you are switched to conventional diet for 8 weeks in order to ascertain that person knows managing weight eating everything in moderate amount and incorporation certain level of physical activity depending upon individual’s engagements and interest.

Ready to Make a Change?

Fix an online & free appointment to discuss with one of our mentor doctors before starting.
