How to lose weight at home in India? It works!
Weight loss isn’t magic. It’s pure & simple science. Understand the science of losing weight at home without any external help. In India, we have enough of home remedies for weight loss available around us. All you need to do is, stick to basics.
First of all, I would like to clarify one thing amongst many of us here, that there is no single home remedy to lose weight. In today’s world of Whatsapp and Facebook, you must be getting posts and forwarded messages mentioning that “drinking jeere ka paani (cumin water) or methi ka paani (fenugreek water) or consuming raw garlic or honey on empty stomach” aids in weight loss. So folks, all these remedies don’t actually help you in weight loss. Looking for home remedies for weight loss? There are only 2 ways you can lose weight which are, a disciplined diet and regular workout.
1. Disciplined diet
Disciplined diet doesn’t mean eating less but eating healthy and balanced meals at regular intervals. Now comes the question What is this ‘’balanced meal’’? A balanced meal consist of a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, Vitamins and minerals, fibres and water
Now come the question what are the source of these nutrient elements?
Carbohydrate sources are grains, legumes, pulses, sugar (in any form including fruits).
Protein sources are Paneer, pulses, Soy, curd, cheese, chicken and Eggs.
Fat sources are Butter, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil and other Vegetable oils like peanut, sunflower and so on. Any oil is actually fat but for dietary intake you should always eat good oil (cold pressed) which are not synthetically processed. For cooking purposes you can use mustard oil or ghee or coconut oil which are considered to be the best source of fat.
Fibres are mainly carbohydrates. They are found in grains, fruits and vegetables. They should be an important part of your meal since they help your digestive system to be health and happy.
Vitamins and Minerals sources are not any particular but every food has a specific one or other vitamins and minerals. So always consider food as medicine which is going to provide you the essentials and gives you a healthy body.
Water is a prerequisite to lose weight. You should drink 3-6 lts of water/day according to your body weight. (As per WHO guidelines, every 20 kgs of your body weight should get at-least 1 lt water). Sometimes people misinterpret thirst with hunger and end up eating more. So you should be wise enough to figure out the difference between hunger and thirst.
2. Regular Workout
Workout doesn’t mean hitting the gym and do iron pumping only.
Workout here means any physical activity you can incorporate. Be it yoga, running, brisk walking, aerobics or Zumba weight training at least 3-4 days a week according to your potential. Don’t start running if your body weight doesn’t allow you, start walking and then gradually increase your pace. And the moment you feel pain on your knee or ankle, do not overexert.

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